The power of email personalization: your way to reach more clients 

11 Sep 2022

Modern clients expect a relevant and personalized experience, online and offline. 33% of marketers believe that personalization is a key to success. 74% of them confirmed that targeted personalization increases engagement. Get more results with personalized email campaigns whatever your company size is.


Email personalization in a nutshell

Personalization in email marketing is targeting a specific subscriber using the data you have about them. This could be their name, what they bought, where they live, how often they visit your website, and more.

It is a proven way to improve your open and click rates, increase your roi and revenue. Personalized emails are more relevant to subscribers: they will receive an email targeted directly at them, including their name and engaging offers that match their interests.

Making emails personal

The most known strategy is using the recipients first name. However, personalization in an email goes much further. So what exactly is a personalized email? Lets check out 3 main characteristics of email personalization.

1. It must be relevant to your audience

Our email inboxes are full of random emails most of them are massive ads or offers, which are not important right here and now. To grab the attention of your subscriber, offer something really needed or useful. We will further discuss, where to get info on your audience interests.

2. Send it timely

Searching for info, your subscribers surf your website on a particular day and time. If this is a long-term buy (e. G. , a house or a car), its ok to reach them a bit later. But if their interest rests in something important here and now, dont be too slow! This is a great way to be the first among competitors.

3. Send your emails from a person

People trust people. This means, no reply email most probably will be removed to the trash bin. Add names to the bottom line and to the from name. This will work well for your audience loyalty.

4. Subject line

The subject line is the second thing your subscribers see, receiving your emails. The correct subject line text can increase open rates by 26%. Make it interesting and relevant, add some call to action, and the recipient will be more interested in whats inside.

Getting client data easily

Personalization requires such info as names and locations (at least! ). The data you have about your subscribers allows you to segment your audience, and create more targeted emails. Name and location can be found easier. But what about more in-depth data on your subscribers? Lets see what can be done here.

1. Add to your email subscribe forms

Add some extra fields to your email subscribe form. Two or three new fields will not be too much, but would allow you to capture extra details about your subscribers.

2. Use crm and integrations tools

Instead of just sending email campaigns to your client base, integrate your email marketing tool with crm or other system able to collect additional behavioral data. Tracking website and other platforms activity can help you collect the interests and preferences of your clients. Add google analytics here, and you will have a lot of great insights.

3. Using third-party apps

Third-party apps collect a lot of customer data. Integrate with the api, and you will find many possibilities for effective segmentation and better email campaigns.

4. Marketing automation

Marketing automation becomes a more and more efficient tool for leading clients through their customer journeys. It begins with a trigger, like signing up for a newsletter, and ends up sending out emails fascinating to your subscribers. Marketing automation generates roi, revenue, and results.

B2c and b2b companies all use marketing automation for more personalized, email-based marketing, resulting in higher engagement and revenue. Triggers, rules, and content three cornerstones of marketing automation.

Whatever your company is, marketing automation can significantly change your email marketing for the better. Reach out to our expert team who can lead you through the variety of tools and help you choose the best crm relevant exactly for your needs.

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