The evergreen email marketing: how to make it better

27 Jun 2022

Email marketing is close to being the most cost-effective way of communication with clients and customers (including the possible ones!). This tool helps ensure you provide the correct people with the correct information at the best moment. That is why billions of emails flow all over the world daily.


Though email marketing stays the main marketing tool globally, it keeps changing. How would it develop in the nearest future and what tendencies are almost here to come? Let’s find out in this article.

Personify it deeper

Forget about “Dear John” in the first line! It doesn’t work anymore. The advanced users catch the “mass mailing” intonations fast, even if you put their name at the beginning of the email. It leads to skipping or even getting rid of such messages. The idea of personification is not about adding a client’s name only. You should build your content the way it responds to every client’s interest and demands.

Let’s imagine your business offers travel trips. Your clients have probably received several emails about travel trips already. They have many options to spend their weekend and wouldn’t need more of “the same” offerings. It means, they wouldn’t even open your email. But what if your potential client has a family and small kids? Knowing this, you will provide a special offering for them, including a travel trip covering exactly their needs of traveling with children. In this situation, you will stand out from other companies, and the possibility of opening your email and even buying your services grows bigger and bigger!

Deep personification means deep knowledge about clients’ interests, demands, and the changes in their lives. The marketing specialist building such content must have the latest info and the correct segmentation. And here it is where marketing automation can help you much. Automation ensures you have detailed client info and an accurate segmentation so to create engaging and personified content the clients strive for.

Make sure you know what’s going on

Email opening and click rates are important. But the big picture is not only built on these benchmarks. It doesn’t mean you should ignore them, but try to zoom it out, and see more.

Being first by numbers is great, but do these numbers always show the real picture? The client could accidentally open your email and delete it the next moment. Cats walk the keyboards, and children click the mouse. Working with every client to find out if they are interested, sounds like an endless work process. How would we know the truth?

Lead scoring is the answer. Grade every client for the actions they did to communicate with you. Grant the ones who read your website, downloaded your materials, or even bought your product before, with maximum points, and give the ones who only read your emails, the minimum rate. This will help you build potential leads rating and choose the clients worth putting more effort in.

With this data, you will have detailed info about your client base interest. You will know who your key audience is, what they like, and what they don’t. This will help you make an accurate and working segmentation.

Go beyond emails

Sure, email marketing is the main tool for many of us. But it should not be the only tool to reach your audience. Using one email template for years will not allow you to realize your potential. Think about other tools that can help you distribute your key message. Several direct and indirect communication channels may bring much more.

For example, you can launch an advertising campaign on social media. Load it with some creative pictures and engaging text, add some diagrams, and it will bring you more leads than ever. Try SMS messaging, create your blog, write How-tos for your clients, hold webinars, and use many more tools.

All these tools are not only aimed to grow your communication channel efficiency. This way you become closer to your clients and may know more about them. The data collected in the process may help you understand if you go the correct way. Marketing automation adds up here too. It can save your time and create new personified communication ideas in minutes.

Create emails that really work

Psychology claims there are six points of attention that can affect how the information would be accepted. Use it and create your emails considering all of them. Here is one example of the working algorithm.

  • Lead-in. Start with talking about yourself. Who are you, and why you can speak about your topic. Don’t forget about call-to-action words. Use “Read”, “Learn more”, “Download”, etc.
  • Social proof. Approve your idea. Share some investigations and real people comments and feedback to show your product works.
  • Value. What would be your client’s profit when they buy your products or services? Provide some examples.
  • Risks. Nobody likes to lose their chance. Tell the reader what they are going to lose if they decline your offer.
  • Logic. This is where you talk about your product’s pros and tell why the client needs to buy it. 
  • The limited buying periods. The last email fragment shows why your client needs your product right now.

All these steps can become much easier with the smart marketing automation platform. Such a tool will save you several hours per week and segment your audience accurately. Salesforce Marketing Cloud is an example of a marketing platform able to provide all of these services. It was created exactly for the companies that need to build proper communication with clients with an accurate segmentation and personal approach.

We know everything about the tools for marketing development. Many of MD Cloud clients have reached their access with the Marketing Cloud/SAP/Spryker. Our experts are ready to present it to you too. If you want to try a demo, please reach out, and we will do our best to select the proper platform for you.

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