E-commerce trends for FMCG — 2022 insights 

02 Jun 2022

Business routine can seem exhausting and slow-moving but becomes easy and fun with the right tools. For today, this tool is a correct software covering business demands, saving money, and leading companies to the future.


E-commerce platforms help manage and develop online business processes, administrate your website, and automate marketing campaigns, sales, and inventory management. Correctly chosen eCommerce software is the key to future success. 

Omnichannel excellence 

Both a massive eCommerce business and a simple corner store need to build powerful sales and client networks. An omnichannel strategy concerning your business can become a base for successful sales development. 

Important! Choosing the channel, pay attention to the geoposition and target audience. It is essential as every location has its own promotion channels. 

Business is dynamic, and the creation of new sales channels is essential. Did you notice that TikTok keeps gaining popularity for business promotion? 

Tech stock automation and transformation 

“Old is gold”, but not for the tech stack. Outdated technologies may cause harm to your business. “Old” technologies drain time and financial resources, restrain businesses from growing and affect HR reputation. Moreover, most of old systems cannot integrate with modern solutions or do not support the latest features. 

Automation of E-commerce platforms brings more opportunities to the employees, freeing up their time for completing other important tasks. In some cases, automation can replace the whole department, and provide the results ready to be further processed. 

The first processes to automate are client support, inventory, and order management. Not so obvious, but marketing and sales are on this list too: it can be a good idea to automate lead generation, campaign management, or client feedback collection. 

A correct PIM software thoroughly customized to your needs can help you easily syndicate various products for different sales channels. The configuration via user API allows updating product info and capabilities at a single location and distributing it further via all platforms and channels connected. Not only updates and new releases: with PIM systems, you can also delete your products from all platforms simultaneously. It helps save your time and human resources. And this is worth a lot!  

Product adjustability is a must 

Personalization, product flexibility, and agile approach are the new tendencies to follow. Let your clients customize your product, so it fits their needs the best. This strategy can make clients happy and bring their loyalty.  

Client engagement makes the buying journey even more motivating. Make the sales process attractive and recognizable, and you’ll take the first prize for attention among competitors. The more features to customize — the bigger your chances to have this client! 

Voice search and virtual assistant 

Voice search is undervalued! The content voice search customization leads to customer retention and loyalty. Data collected by Google shows that eCommerce platforms using voice search gain more visits, clicks, and real clients. 

Following the Capgemini Research Institute investigation, 76% of businesses have gained a measurable profit from the integration of voice search. 56% of respondents confirmed that the profit was even bigger than it was expected, while client service costs have reduced by 20%. 

An integration of AI-based virtual bot assistants makes the search process much easier. The assistant brings multitasking to the next level, helps search engines learn more about client behavior, and grow in capabilities.  

Client-centered approach

A client-based approach is not only about resolving exactly this client’s needs. It includes a comfortable buying environment, flexible client opportunities, and an engaging experience. It means, your business needs a PWA- and mobile-friendly website, the best UI/UX practices, and perfect client support. 

Let your brand embrace as many sales channels as possible. Start with the channels your clients often use to buy products. Offer a bit more: create unique content, personalize your products, make the client feel good, and you will win this prize.  

Product description builds a big part of its presentation. An accurate, detailed description brings your clients confidence and trust. This is how they ensure that the buy was great! 

There are plenty of ways to automate and digitalize your eCommerce platform. One of them is SAP eCommerce. The platform offers all the modern e-commerce platform needs: 

  • AI-driven personalized shopping experiences 
  • Deep customer data analysis 
  • Decoupled commerce architecture via API 
  • Data and processes management 
  • …and more 

MD Cloud experts are certified SAP specialists, who have already chosen the perfect capabilities for our clients using SAP. Even if you are unsure about how to enhance you FMCG business, MD Cloud experts can provide a full range of consulting services starting from the deep analysis of your processes and up to the solution implementation and further support. Contact us to discover your perfect solution.

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